Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How did you meet your significant other? Answer all the questions HONESTLY and repost as "How I met _____"

1) Where did you meet?We had a mutual friend, our friend brought him from his home town to a trappers convention where I just happened to be... I was helping with the silent ocction and he kept walking by to check me out haha.

2) What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?Man he keeps coming over here.. I hope he talks to me!

3) Do you remember what he/she was wearing?I think he was wearing a camo shirt and some jeans... which I thought looks wonderful on him....

4) Where/when was the first time you kissed this person?When he came to my house in Ephraim after his his mission... He got out of the truck (first time he'd seen me since he had been released the day previous) and hugged me and kissed me cheek and then pulled out of the hug to give me a real on.... it was amazing...

5) Who was there when you all first met?A whole butt load of people, but there was the Corey, my family, and other family friends.

6) Where was your first date?well... I suppose it was Halloween when he kissed me the first time, and he came to my house for a Halloween party that I masked with all my other friends there so I could have him come see me... I missed him

7) How did he/she ask you out?Well night we met he asked me for my number and then when he came home he asked me again for my number, and then finally asked me on a date at the Halloween party

8) Has this person ever proposed to you, if so how?Well we knew we were gonna get married he just wanted to surprise me with when. and he did. He had already gotten the ring which I knew, and Every sunday his family gets together at someones house and we eat dinner together. He took me there like always, and then after dinner I was sitting there in pjs by the way. and he said he needed to go use the bathroom, which is normal. He got in a tux, had a bouquet of roses and came in knelt beside me and said Malory will you marry me? I said Of course... because I always told him I wouldnt way yes when he asked just as a joke.

9) Do you and this person have kids together?Well we have had a miscarriage, and we think it was twins, but we will try again soon.

10) Have you ever broken the law with this person?Sure, everyone speeds with out knowing it.

11) When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?The first time we talked when my mom had him sit by me at the dinner at the convention.

12) Do you get along with his/her family?Yes and no, but for the most part

13) Do you trust this person?More than I could ever explain

14) Do you see them as your partner in your future?For sure, we are together forever and eternity.

15) What is the most expensive thing they have given you?My wedding ring of course.

16) When did you realize you were in love with him/her?When I went with his family to pick him up at the air port from his mission. As soon as I saw him, I knew I KNEW he was the one...

17) What is the thing you do that gets on his/her nerves?get over stressed and sick.

18) Where do you see each other 15 years from now?A kid or two and a house. Him an electrician, me as a medical transcriptionest working from home.

19) What causes the most arguments?Me stressing out

20) Will this person repost this?no, i doubt it

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